While fundamental change can take decades, in the past 100 years legal professionals have eagerly adopted technological innovations, streamlined the law, and launched new practice areas that were unimaginable just a century ago. The innovation of written laws dates to 1750 B.C., but many of the most important innovations in the law have come in just the last century. Here is a list of 100 technological, intellectual, and practical innovations that have fundamentally changed the way law is practiced.
Innovations in the Courtroom
The oldest known shorthand services were offered in 63 B.C. by one Marcus Tullius Tiro. And in 1913 the stenotype machine made it possible for trained professionals to make a verbatim record. But in 1944, Public Law No. 222 launched the creation of a court reporters system in the U.S. district courts, setting the stage for lawyers (on television and in the real world) to dramatically turn to the court reporter and ask for a pivotal piece of testimony to be read back.
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