eDepoze New2022-05-11T21:51:49-07:00

The Accepted Problem

Paper. It’s been a part of your legal practice for years and you’ve been painfully loyal to it. But paper doesn’t reward your loyalty. Paper has been a bad friend and here’s why:


The average cost of one box of potential deposition exhibits is $500. Factor in any shipping cost, color documents or extra time to prepare and that box cost can explode. And let’s not forget the cost to store and retain those mounds of paper.


Preparing potential exhibits for deposition takes a lot of time. Attorneys are on the clock to finalize documents & it can take hours or days to create the multiple sets. Then handing out the sets & shuffling through pages at deposition cuts into valuable questioning time.


Try performing these with paper…
• zooming into a picture for clarity
• highlighting on a document for all viewers
• find a page instantly in a 300-pg document
• performing an urgent keyword search
• carrying 10 boxes in one hand


Massive amounts of paper consumption is harmful to the environment!
…and those
sets and unused documents from your depositions sure aren’t helping.


Data security is a major concern these days for you and your client. Paper just can’t provide the same peace of mind that technology can. Once a document is printed from your secure document management database and released into the room, the security is compromised.


Paper dumps were big 20 years ago. Today, modern technology turns more heads, earns more respect and is much more efficient than parading boxes and boxes of paper into the deposition room.


The average cost of one box of potential deposition exhibits is $500. Factor in any shipping cost, color documents or extra time to prepare and that box cost can explode. And let’s not forget the cost to store and retain those mounds of paper.


Preparing potential exhibits for deposition takes a lot of time. Attorneys are on the clock finalizing documents & it can take hours or days to create the multiple sets. Then handing out the sets & shuffling through pages at deposition cuts into valuable question time.


Try performing these with paper… • zooming into a picture for clarity • highlighting on a document for all viewers • find a page instantly in a 300-pg document • performing an urgent keyword search • carrying 10 boxes in one hand


Massive amounts of paper consumption is harmful to the environment!
…and those
sets and unused documents from your depositions sure aren’t helping.


Data security is a major concern these days for you and your client. Paper just can’t provide the same peace of mind that technology can. Once a document is printed from your secure document management database and released into the room, the security is compromised.


Paper dumps were big 20 years ago. Today, modern technology turns more heads, earns more respect and is much more efficient than parading boxes and boxes of paper into the deposition room.

You’ve accepted these problems because paper knew it was the only game in town…until now.

The eDepoze Solution

eDepoze is the first deposition exhibit software that allows you to electronically prepare exhibits for deposition and then securely introduce them with an iPad or laptop. The convenience of showing up without boxes of paper is liberating and eDepoze eliminates the paper process aggravation and cost. It’s simple to organize and surprisingly easy to use. 

Here’s how it can help you…

For Support Staff

Depo prep now takes minutes not hours or days. No more 11th hour dash to organize and reorganize potential exhibits. Your attorneys also have more time to prepare their exhibits eliminating the begging game to get documents in advance. eDepoze takes away the hassles of the paper process you dread and replaces it with an effortless, straightforward platform that will give you your nights and weekends back!

For Attorneys

Technology can be scary but eDepoze follows the same paper exhibit workflow you are comfortable with. Designed by attorneys for attorneys, eDepoze lets you focus on the deposition and not running a software program. eDepoze also gives you powerful tools that allow you to control and manage your depositions more effectively. No more fumbling witness and no more explaining large printing invoices to your client.

For General Counsel

eDepoze dramatically reduces your legal spend while ensuring that your sensitive, critical company documents are secure. eDepoze offers a direct impact on Cost Control, Data Security, Process Control and Environmental Impact. Corporate Legal Departments are already utilizing technology for the discovery and review phases of their matters for these reasons and more. Doesn’t it make sense to do the same for depositions?



“The court reporting industry hasn’t seen a technological shift like eDepoze since the introduction of real time transcription.”

CEO, Esquire Deposition Solutions

“Not only does eDepoze save litigants significant amounts of time and money, it’s also intuitive and easy to use.”

Sadaf Abdullah, Skiermont Puckett LLP

“eDepoze closes the gap for going digital, from witness prep to trial. No more overflowing exhibit boxes and steep shipping charges.”

President, O'Brien & Levine Court Reporting
“This is amazing.
Now that I’ve seen this, I can’t see handling depositions any other way.”
Editor, Law.com

“This is going to make me actually WANT to take depositions.”

Joseph Bahgat, The Privacy Firm


eDepoze makes the depo prep process a snap.
Just create folders, select the corresponding documents, upload and that’s it!

Introducing exhibits is as easy as 1, 2, 3 with eDepoze.
Just select your document, tap Introduce and stamp & Distribute.

Our intuitive virtual annotation tools give you the ability to mark, direct and emphasize important parts of your deposition exhibits.

Walk the witness through an exhibit by entering presentation mode. Mark up a document, or have the witness do it instead. Other participants can follow along with your presentation or continue working with their own copies.

Change your mind on the document order before the deposition? No problem. You can easily reorganize and rearrange your documents prior to the session.

Looking for that key phrase or word within your documents?
You can promptly run a search within a document to find all matches.

eDepoze keeps a running log of exhibits as they are introduced at the session and case level. You can cleanly export this list with hyperlinks. No more haphazardly slapping together an exhibit log before arbitration, mediation or trial.

eDepoze allows you to mark up and reference a personal copy of your documents for your eyes only. While the rest of the participants are viewing a clean version of the exhibit, you can view your personal copy complete with highlights, drawings and detailed notes.


Security Spec Sheet

The eDepoze software platform is built on Amazon Web Services (AWS), one of the world’s premier cloud service providers and a trusted technology partner of international brands and government agencies. eDepoze utilizes eDiscovery-grade encryption, security, and privacy practices.

For more information about security, privacy and Service Level Agreements, please email info@edepoze.com and request the Security Procedures and Protocols document.





What are the most common technical issues users encounter?2017-07-25T05:57:14-07:00

The most common performance issues are caused by (1) a very slow Wi-Fi connection; (2) using extremely large documents; or (3) a combination of both. For the best experience, you should make sure that the Wi-Fi or other internet connection you use is adequate (look for a minimum speed in the range of 5Mbs upload and 5Mbs download). And make sure that the documents you use are not unnecessarily large due to the way they were scanned or otherwise converted to .pdf format.

How do users get trained?2017-07-25T05:56:55-07:00

We can get the members of your team set up with all the training you need, including (1) training on the back end system for those who need to set up cases and deposition sessions and upload documents; and (2) training on the iPad or web apps for those who will use the app during the deposition.

Who brings the device for the witness? Who helps the witness during the deposition?2021-07-29T21:31:25-07:00

Usually, the court reporting agency will provide a laptop or iPad for the witness to use during the deposition.

What file types can I use?2021-07-29T21:32:23-07:00

The system accepts the following file types: PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, TXT, TIF, PNG, JPEG, GIF, MP3, WAV, AAC, WMA, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV, AVI, MOV. File type other than audio or video files will be converted to PDF.

How are documents stored/hosted?2017-07-25T05:56:01-07:00

Documents are hosted in a secure database similar to how documents are hosted by third party e-discovery providers. We can provide you with full security documentation upon request.

How do documents get loaded into eDepoze?2021-07-29T21:33:21-07:00

Using our eDepoze Web Manager, you can either upload documents from your local server/desktop. Links to ediscovery or document management systems will be added in future releases.

Do I have to be connected to the internet?2017-07-25T05:55:13-07:00

Each deposition participant will need some internet connection, whether through a wired connection on their laptop, a guest Wi-Fi network, a hotspot, or an LTE connection. Prior to using eDepoze, you should arrange to check the availability of an internet connection at the deposition location. If the primary internet option is a guest Wi-Fi network, you also should arrange to check the connection speed. [If applicable: eDepoze can check the Wi-Fi connection before the deposition and provide a Wi-Fi hotspot for a fee.]

Does everyone have to agree to use eDepoze?2017-07-25T05:54:48-07:00

It’s obviously best to have everyone’s cooperation up front, but the system is designed to allow you to use eDepoze if you want. Anyone else can log in on their laptop or iPad as a guest for free and they will receive unstamped courtesy copies of each exhibit just as they do now. They can download or email copies of those documents to themselves. As with paper, they will just have to wait to get the official exhibit from the court reporter after the deposition. If you are dealing with a very uncooperative lawyer or witness, you could accommodate them by providing one courtesy paper copy at the deposition, but that’s typically not necessary.

How do I notify opposing counsel?2017-07-25T05:54:28-07:00

The rules may differ between jurisdictions, but we recommend that you include a statement about eDepoze in the deposition notice, similar to the kind of notice you might include if you intend to use video or live transcription. [If asked: We can provide you with a template that others have used.

Ask us a question

Training videos are accessible online through the eDepoze Web Manager and Web App.  Videos provided are on the following topics:

  • User Management
  • Case Management
  • Session Management
  • My Account Management
Web Manager
Web App

System Requirements

  • WebApp: Latest Browser Version (Google Chrome is Recommended)
  • Web Manager: Latest Browser Version (Google Chrome is Recommended)
  • Minimum WiFi Speeds: We recommend 5mps UP/ 5mps DOWN. However, the system may perform at lower speeds depending on document file size.


One Platform to Conduct All Post-eDiscovery Litigation Events

Witness Prep

Provide your witness with private access to review documents online when getting ready to testify. Our Witness Prep module allows you to effectively collaborate with your witness on key documents together or remotely.

Arbitration & Mediation

In arbitration, present and distribute exhibits to the entire panel and other participants. In mediation, present case documents and media when making your case to the mediator and other parties.

Hearing & Trial

In hearings, present exhibits and case law to the judge when arguing your motion. In trial, present and distribute exhibits during opening statements, when examining witnesses or during closing arguments.

Get Started Today!
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