The eDepoze Solution

eDepoze is the first deposition exhibit software that allows you to electronically prepare exhibits for deposition and then securely introduce them with a laptop. The convenience of showing up without boxes of paper is liberating and eDepoze eliminates the paper process aggravation and cost. It’s simple to organize and surprisingly easy to use. 

Here’s how it can help you…

For Support Staff

Depo prep now takes minutes not hours or days. No more 11th hour dash to organize and reorganize potential exhibits. Your attorneys also have more time to prepare their exhibits eliminating the begging game to get documents in advance. eDepoze takes away the hassles of the paper process you dread and replaces it with an effortless, straightforward platform that will give you your nights and weekends back!

For Attorneys

Technology can be scary but eDepoze follows the same paper exhibit workflow you are comfortable with. Designed by attorneys for attorneys, eDepoze lets you focus on the deposition and not running a software program. eDepoze also gives you powerful tools that allow you to control and manage your depositions more effectively. No more fumbling witness and no more explaining large printing invoices to your client.

For General Counsel

eDepoze dramatically reduces your legal spend while ensuring that your sensitive, critical company documents are secure. eDepoze offers a direct impact on Cost Control, Data Security, Process Control and Environmental Impact. Corporate Legal Departments are already utilizing technology for the discovery and review phases of their matters for these reasons and more. Doesn’t it make sense to do the same for depositions?



  • HD Audio & Video

  • Screen Share

  • Breakout Rooms

  • Waiting Rooms

  • End to end Encryption


One Platform to Conduct All Post-eDiscovery Litigation Events

Witness Prep

Provide your witness with private access to review documents online when getting ready to testify. Our Witness Prep module allows you to effectively collaborate with your witness on key documents together or remotely.

Arbitration & Mediation

In arbitration, present and distribute exhibits to the entire panel and other participants. In mediation, present case documents and media when making your case to the mediator and other parties.

Hearing & Trial

In hearings, present exhibits and case law to the judge when arguing your motion. In trial, present and distribute exhibits during opening statements, when examining witnesses or during closing arguments.

Get Started Today!