The decision to go out on your own and start a solo or small practice isn’t an easy one. There are many costs associated with starting a law firm, and running a business takes a special skill set that wasn’t developed in law school. Lawyers face not only debt and expenses, but a very competitive job market. By going virtual, you’ll save on one of those major expenses right off the bat: rent.

There are many factors to consider when you’ve decided to start your transition over to a virtual law practice. Here are some of the essential basics:

  • Establish a Professional Business Address
  • Beef Up Your Law Firm Website
  • Transition To A Cloud-Based Practice Management System
  • Increase Your Networking
  • Hire A Virtual Assistant

Read the detail of each basic at Legal Productivity.

Bonus addition:

Use legal technology, such as eDepoze by eDepoze for post e-discovery litigation events!