Legal technology leaders speak on privacy challenges, artificial intelligence, SAAS and more for LTN’s latest Tech Digest
The trends driving the legal technology space evolve quickly, and as a result, keeping abreast of the latest developments can be a difficult prospect. A single case, technological advancement or cresting trend has the capacity to disrupt not only the way law is practiced, but also the effectiveness of tools developed to support it. While predicting the next big shake-up is a bit of a guessing game, no group is better prepared to give context to the space than the attorneys, vendors and analysts that live at the crossroads of technology and law.
In each print magazine, Legaltech News’ Techology Digest brings together the voices of these professionals, offering an uneditorialized view into their top-of-mind thoughts and concerns. Our goal is to give deeper context to the industry, coloring our original content with the (sometimes conflicting) voices of those with boots on the ground. These are selected quotes from the March/April edition.